Satelliet-Extra is a company which has specialized itself in Hotel TV for The Netherlands and the Flanders area. The idea is to no longer use the overpriced cable provider!
We make this possible by combining Digitenne with a Satellite receiver! After this you will no longer be in the need to use your current cable provider and can save up to fifty thousand euro a year with a hotel consisting of fifty rooms.
Satellite receiver also brings hundreds of free TV and Radio channels.
Russia? China? Germany? Israel? Japan? France? You name it and we can program it into your system without any extra subscriptions!
Our systems are remote controllable based on IP, this makes the system easy editable when suddenly a group of Greek customers come over and you want to surprise them with some Greek channels.
If you wish we can instruct your T.D. to take control of the system which is more cost-effective. Also important is that the service after delivering comes from two independent parties, which eliminates the chances of problems and you’re always insured of good and fast service.
If you would like to know more about our systems you can contact us through our Hotel TV specialist Harry Nieberding or call “+31623862403”, he knows like no other how to analyse your current situation after a quick talk. It will cost you no more than a cup of coffee and after this conversation you will gain a lot of knowledge how to get way more high quality TV channels for an ever lower price!
Videma stays, your cable provider stops delivering! After our delivery you’re ready “FOR THE WHOLE NEW WORLD”